• From Mike Holden on What videos would you like to see?

    How to carve a volute.
    Especially if you do not have a half dozen varying widths of the same sweep.

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    2012/07/18 at 5:26 pm
    • From Mary May on What videos would you like to see?

      Thanks for the suggestions! I definitely have letter carving and volutes on the list. Please be patient while I get all these filmed and ready. Also a variety of decorative pieces for furniture - both applied and carved in relief.

      As you can see from some of the videos, I try to limit the tools, and make them do curves that do not fit the tool. The secrets of the trade!

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      2012/07/18 at 8:58 pm
  • From Shannon Rogers on What videos would you like to see?

    How about some letter carving? I'm pretty sure there are several schools of thought on this and I would love to see your perspective. Also I think both positive relief and negative relief letters would be something new.

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    2012/07/17 at 9:59 am
  • From John McPhail on What videos would you like to see?

    Perhaps applied carvings that are used on furniture, such as a long and winding acanthus on a table or dresser stretcher or other place where it's not practical to lower the entire field. Or maybe something less classical like a flowering vine used in that application.

    Also pierced carvings.

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    2012/07/16 at 12:14 am
    • From John McPhail on What videos would you like to see?

      Here's an example of the way what I am thinking of would be applied.


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      2012/07/16 at 12:16 am
  • From Mary May on Carving an Acanthus Leaf on a Turned Post - Episode 1

    Joe, that would be a question for my computer expert, Bob Easton. I think there may be issues with people with unscrupulous motives having access to downloadable files and somehow making them available in other venues, or possibly selling them. Not sure about this, however. I'll check into it. I do have a DVD on that carving also, so that might be an option. It just hasn't been advertised yet. One thing I do intend to do with all the project videos is to have a printable pdf file with step-by-step instructions, tools, and photos. This is on my to-do list, among others...


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    2012/07/15 at 10:33 pm
    • From JOE LAMBERT on Carving an Acanthus Leaf on a Turned Post - Episode 1

      yes, it is true the internet allows infanite possibilities but it is a lot of work. I was thinking perhaps a way of providing copies through a sales network you have controll of or providing a private embedded link that would allow the purchaser at a reduced price to make a copy such as a DVD for later reference. The PDF file with pics would work as well. Of coarse the dvd allows the woodworker easy access with limited storage. As you can imagine there are a lot of us out here who have more stored project ideas than will ever be made. I would be interested in any new dvd's you have available. I do have a number of your casts and dvd's casts

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      2012/07/16 at 7:04 pm
      • From Mary May on Carving an Acanthus Leaf on a Turned Post - Episode 1

        Hi Joe,
        I need to consider this as a possibility - or maybe having the DVDs available at a reduced price for those who are subscribers. It's funny, I was thinking that the DVD arena would sort of dwindle because of the online videos, but there are people who are still interested in having a hard copy. I'll see how all this can be done.


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        2012/07/16 at 7:12 pm
    • From Bob Easton on Carving an Acanthus Leaf on a Turned Post - Episode 1

      Joe, Mary,
      The RSS feed items are simply little excerpts from each new article. They don't carry any of the content that is restricted to subscribers. No videos, no PDFs. They are good for announcing what has been published, and to that extent can provide the useful reference that Joe wants.

      People who use a "Feed Reader" or "RSS Reader" that can retain content will have the useful reference Joe wants. The scenario is: Oh yeah, I remember something like that. Scan the reader for headlines. Find the article. Hit the link to go to the site. The key element to making it work is a reader that keeps content instead of discarding it quickly. There are many to chose from. One of the leaders is the Google Reader.

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      2012/07/15 at 10:55 pm
  • From JOE LAMBERT on Carving an Acanthus Leaf on a Turned Post - Episode 1


    really enjoyed the acanthus leaf carving of the turned base of the table. I think the value of your rss feeds for me would be for me to be able to copy for reference at a later date when I get into a specific project. Will you be offering a way to download the feeds or copied units for later reference. I always enjoy when there are ways to create a reference library. I have a lot of carving tools but having you show the tools used is a great way to understand better what is an ideal tool to gets specific results. thanks for offering this manner in learning how to carve

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    2012/07/15 at 10:15 pm