• From Mike Cogswell on All About Gouges - Beginner Lesson #3

    Nice overview - played great.

    You mentioned the pros and cons of the brass and wood mallets a bit. But what about the polyurethane one you had on the bench? I'm guessing it isn't your favorite since you ignored it completely. 😉

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    2012/07/08 at 8:46 pm
    • From Mary on All About Gouges - Beginner Lesson #3

      Hmmmm - I think you might be referring to the one with the lighter colored handle (at the far right on the screen)? That is actually a dark turned wood mallet. The screen color has some unfortunate tint. Working on that...

      By the way, polyurethane mallets work fine. Whatever gets the mallet through the wood. I actually had one once, and I used it to really hog out a lot of wood on one job, and the plastic broke apart - that was a lot of pounding! Now that mallet is a simple wood mallet 🙂

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      2012/07/10 at 7:38 pm
  • From Mike Cogswell on What videos would you like to see?

    Also - a barley twist leg. I imagine it's basically like the reeded leg, but with a spiral layout?

    - Mike

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    2012/07/08 at 6:15 pm
  • From clint on All About Gouges

    Put a hyperlink in the tool list pdf that goes directly to your tool order shopping cart.

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    2012/07/08 at 3:21 pm
  • From clint on All About Gouges - Beginner Lesson #3

    Put a hyperlink in the tool list pdf that goes directly to your tool order shopping cart.

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    2012/07/08 at 3:21 pm
  • From Mike Cogswell on What videos would you like to see?

    I agree with the first comment about some introductory videos. An overview of the different chisels and their typical purpose would be great for the novices like me. Real basic carving 101.

    As you continue to develop the site I'd like to see some kind of a logical curriculum, where we can start with a real basic thing (like the donut) and go through a progression of carvings, each one introducing a new technique and reinforcing the previous ones.

    For specific items, I'd suggest concave and convex shells.

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    2012/07/06 at 1:29 pm
    • From Mary on What videos would you like to see?

      Thanks for your suggestions, and I am pretty much working in all that you suggested into the site. I just have to figure out how all that will be set up. Bob E suggested that I do a basic intro video that covers tools, etc and introduces novice carvers to the starting techniques. It's a great idea - rather than be thrown in at the deep end and figure out where to start.

      As I write this, I am putting the convex shell video into my computer for editing (the same one I did the DVD for). It might be a while (the DVD was 1hr and 45 minutes) before I get it on the site, but it's heading there. Concave one also. Ball and claw also.

      Thanks again for your input. I have added several pdf files that go with the videos that contain templates, photos of finished carving and tool list. I hope this guides people through the projects easier.

      Keep the suggestions coming!


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      2012/07/06 at 1:45 pm