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Red Oak Box for...

...my DMT stones! ? Had some scrap Home Depot oak from an old project, so I thought I’d clean up my stack of sharpening stones and put them in something. I’m hoping to carve a rope around the lid and base, and put some kind of diaper on the front and sides. I have no clue about the top...still thinking about it. Any ideas?

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Oooh. So many possibilities. It really depends on how thick the top of the box is. Look at the dragonfly video and the butterfly video on carving simply with the v-chisel. This is if your box top is very thin. Maybe try staining it first and then carving away the stain? Do you have a family motto? How about a portrait of a beloved pet?? Acanthus leaf?? Endless possibilities...

Nice work. I need to do someting like that foe my stones as well.

Mary, the lid is 3/4” thick...plenty to work with, and like you said, sooo many possibilities! Here’s where I am so far...the scales are carved on the other side also, and I’ll start on the flowers tomorrow most likely. All that will be left is the top! The feet are just a large rounded dowel that I made from some scrap glue-ups.

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That is a lovely piece of work.  Should be great when finished.  Will the top be without decoration?  By the way, I like the ropework edging.

Inspiring piece! Very nice.

Thanks Rick and Robert. Rick, right now the top will be left blank. I’m having a creativity block right now and don’t know what I should put on the lid. I’ll probably leave it unfinished, or just run some BLO over it. And thanks, im glad you like the rope...they are fun to carve.

Flowers are done. Last are the feet on the lathe...and I’m no lathe master for sure.

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So nice! Have you been hanging out with Peter Follansbee? He does some great oak carving in that style.

What have you concluded for the top? How about make it personal with some nice lettering for a special someone for Christmas??

Thanks Mary!

Ha! I googled Peter and what a beard that guy has!! I got the idea from a couple pictures in a Dover book. Glad it looks okay and like something a seasoned carver would do...I was worried it would look like a wood patchwork quilt.

I decided to draw up a monogram for the lid. This oak has been pretty crumbly in spots, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get good detail. I might just do a block font of sorts.

And the special someone will be me...and my DMT stones. ?